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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Instituto de Ciências do Mar – Labomar

Área do conteúdo

III Fortaleza’s Austral Spring School; de 13 a 15 de outubro

Data de publicação: 28 de setembro de 2020. Categoria: Notícias

In front of the UN decade of the oceans (2021-2030), we gather researchers and professors from both sides of the Atlantic to discuss the future of the most vast set of ecosystems of the world. It’s time to consider the oceans as part of our life, our future, our healthiness. The Universidade Federal do Ceará leads, in cooperation with the Università del Salento, this encounter in which different professionals will discuss about the impacts, the conservation and management and the socioeconomic possibilities associated with the coastal and offshore areas. After each set of talks, a round table will allow an active exchange of ideas and opinions, with the active participation of the students.

It’s time to act, it’s time for the oceans!

Registration will be through the web. To have the official certificate you need to REGISTER. In the website you will have all the program available.

Acess website: https://www.even3.com.br/springschoolfortaleza/

Fonte: profa. Lidriana de Souza Pinheiro, vice-diretora do Labomar e coordenadora de Programas Acadêmicos, e-mail: lidriana@ufc.br


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