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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Instituto de Ciências do Mar – Labomar

Área do conteúdo


The PELD CSB is the first PELD program on the Brazilian semi-arid coast that started in December 2020 after approval in the call CNPq/MCTI/CONFAP-FAPs/PELD No. 21/2020 – Program: Long Term Ecological Research Program (PELD), with funding from National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and Cearense Foundation to Support Scientific and Technological Development (Funcap). This study aims to study how semiaridity in coastal environments affects socio-environmental systems – from microorganisms to humans – based on the relationships between biota and short, medium, and long-term environmental dynamics related to global and anthropic climatic phenomena.
Through this project, we intend to generate a structured series of long-term scientific data on this poorly studied region of the Brazilian coast, helping to predict the effects of environmental changes in the Anthropocene, in the management of conservation units, as well as to produce a successful project for popularization and scientific dissemination in one of the poorest and unequal regions of Brazil.

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